So Its Come to This...


So what in the hell do we make of all this? The better question might be what do I make of all this. What are the common threads that hold this seemingly disconnected thing together? What type of feeling is conveyed through the comination of all these discourses? Lev Kuleshov said it best when he said, "it is not the picture itself, but the collision of this picture with others." He was of course refering to montage editing, a method of film editing created to evoke feelings though the juxtaposition of two images. For example, if we see a picture of a train, things come to mind like traveling, industrialization, etc. But when succeeded by a picture of a WWII concentration camp, the trains take on a brand new meaning. They evoke feelings of sadness and bitterness.




When I think about my discourses (entertainment, family, career, and community), certain images can encompass the links between all of them. I'm not going to disclose them all right away or else you wouldn't want to read this. I'm going to move page by page, with minimal text, and show all of you (and even show myself in the process) what my Mystory is all about.

